What Happens When Your Fear Becomes Reality?

Fear. We all have fears. Some with many, some with a few but we all fear something.

Being afraid, is really quite normal. Recently I was in a group setting and was asked: Are you a phycologist? My response was laughter and: No, I am not……but I have one 😊😉🤣. I was speaking to the group about fear, this was in a secular setting where I was asked to not bring in my faith as a main source of information. As a Chrisitan, the Word of God is our guidebook, it gives us principles, laws of nature…..it is also a love letter from the Creator to His children. Because of the Author, these principles and guidelines are pertinent for everyone. In this setting I was able to incorporate truths, that even the world itself acknowledges, even if they do not agree with where they came from.

Before David became king, he was hunted down by the current king, Saul. Although David had done no harm to Saul, had only shown kindness to him, Saul still wanted David dead. David would flee his home as Saul was in pursuit to kill him. David would say: “What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee.” Psalm 56:3

Often times as a Christian, I think I am supposed to be above certain emotions or thoughts because I have accepted Jesus into my heart. The problem with that thought process is, I am still robed in flesh, with thoughts, desires and emotions that are contrary to God. I worship God in truth and in spirit, with the Holy Spirit dwelling inside of me. In the book of Romans, Paul talks about those things I shouldn’t do, I do and those things that I should do, I don’t do……Oh wretched man I am. I fully understand the struggle. I am so very thankful that God’s Word is written for the everyday person who struggles, with doubts, fears, questions, concerns, the what ifs of life.

Often times reading the Bible, I have read and read and not focused on the fact, these are real people! Do we get they are still alive today, just in a different place than us? I need to be reminded these people, who were just like us, they had fears and David said, what time I am afraid…….he didn’t say “IF”I am afraid, he said “what time I AM”. That one verse gives me great comfort. If David who was a mere shepherd, whom God called and used…… can be afraid, it’s okay for me to be afraid.

So being afraid is okay, but what is not okay it to live in a spirit of fear. To live in fear that controls your thoughts and actions. If I was in a room and somehow a snake came in the room, you would see the backside of me exiting the room…quickly……it doesn’t matter the color, the size, poisonous, non-poisonous, I will be out of there. I have a very healthy respect i.e., fear of snakes. A different scenario, I walk into a room, looking for a snake, because a widow is open. I KNOW that there is a snake in the room, I peer around every object, KNOWING it is there. I watch every move I make in anticipation, in fear of the snake. To some this scenario seems ludicrous and yet there are people who cannot leave their room or their homes due to fear. There are those who cannot be in a crowd due to fear. There are those who will not fly due to fear.

Living in a spirit of fear is detrimental to our health, even our life. It steals our joy, it steals our relationships, we merely exist……and that is NOT how God intends for His children to live here on this earth. II Timohty 1: 7 “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” When we walk in the power, love and sound mind in the right Spirit, we can hold onto the promise of Philippians 4: 13 “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”

Fear can also be a primal instinct that keeps us from harm. Instinct is not a part of the 5 senses, but it is real. At various times in my life, it was not touch, taste, smell, hearing or seeing that deterred me, it was an instinct that responded. To me, I view that instinct as the still small voice of the Holy Spirit, compelling or warning me.

What fear has become your reality? Many times, the fears we have do not come to fruition and sometimes they do. A fear I had years ago…… happened. It was a fear of what would I do…… if? The “if” is “now”, and I live with it every day. When the fear becomes a reality, we have a choice. We can deny, we can fall into a heap and cry, we can give up on life, give up on God OR we can accept this is where we are today, we can pray, we can have Hope, follow faith and walk thru this reality knowing Who we belong too, Who walks with us and Who is for us.

Psalm 118:6 “The Lord is on my side; I will not fear: what can man do unto me?” Psalm 56:9 “When I cry unto thee, then shall mine enemies turn back: this I know; for God is for me.”

Fear can be a driving force to doubt, it can also be a driving force to point us to the ONE who has overcome. Reality in life is not always easy, and we face hard things……just as Jesus did when He came robed in flesh and choose to live on earth. However, for a child of God, we can choose the Hope that lies inside of us, trust, believe, have faith in WHO God IS….His very character. Do you know as a child of God you are blessed? We say it all the time, I am so blessed. Why are we blessed? One reason is in John 20:29 “Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.” I’ve not seen Jesus with my physical eyes, but I have believed, I do believe, therefore Jesus says I am blessed.

I can be afraid, but I can’t live in a spirit of fear. I live with a fear that became my reality. I have a choice every day, I choose to live blessed because my Abba, my Jesus, my Comforter says I am blessed.

Look Up, Keep Serving Jesus, He Is Worthy!

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