Living Life in The Sweet Spot

One time my sister, her children, my daughter and I took our mom or grandma, or grannie to Orlando, Florida. This was to celebrate Moms 70th birthday. Although all of my siblings had flown at one point or another, Mom had never flown, she had never seen the Gulf of Mexico or the Atlantic Ocean. My sister and I planned, talked, and researched to make it a great trip.

Finally, the day came, we board the plane. Now, only 1/2 of us had ever flown, so there was some concern for the kids and mom. The airline we used is one that if you want specific seats, you pay more. We could give our preference, and they would try to honor that. Three sat in the same row, then 2 rows back sat two, which was my daughter and my nephew. I am seated behind them, in the middle seat between two men. Somewhere there is a picture that my dear daughter and my oh so handsome nephew took… I’m sound asleep with mouth wide open…. they just thought that was hilarious! Anyway, we finally arrive, and my sister had rented a van. This vans back seats reclined, the kids were in awe. We get to the condo or townhouse, whatever you want to call it, and wow was it sweet…plenty of room.

It’s getting late and we need to get groceries, who wants to go? I know my sister and I went but think the rest of them stayed. Now exiting the living room was a sliding glass door to the back porch and yard. On the back porch was a hot tub, with lights and all the bells and whistles While we were gone, my daughter and niece decided to try it out. When my sister and I get back from grocery shopping, this is where we find them in the hot tub. My niece is just laid back, enjoying this hot tub immensely and says: This is sweet!

Dan (my husband who has gone home to Heaven) and I endured much throughout most of our marriage, due to his addictions to pain medicine and illegal drugs. He told me of his history before we married, and I thought all of that was past. The past became present for many of our future years. However, there came a point where a lesson was learned that turned Dan away from the addictions. When he understood: Seek God’s Face, Seek His Presence, Not His Hand, Not His Provision. I remember when Dan told me that statement. It was in context to whether our marriage was going to move forward or continue with divorce after almost 14 years of marriage. With that truth that Dan learned, his whole perspective, his attitude changed. With his change this is what God used to restore our marriage. Not only did He restore it, but God also brought us to the sweetest time of our marriage, to that sweet spot in life.

Then cancer came…. I did ask the Lord, why now? Why when we are in the sweetest time of our marriage? I can’t answer that other than 1. it was his appointed time and 2 from that time, I learned what it meant to have your heart knit together. I learned what it meant when two become one. I learned the difference in a ” so-so” relationship and a “sweet” relationship.

In Proverbs 30 there is man named Agur. In verses 7-9 it reads as a prayer: “Two things have I required of thee; Deny me them not before I die: Remove far from me vanity and lies: Give me neither poverty nor riches; Feed me with food convenient for me: Lest I be full, and deny thee, and say, Who is the LORD? Or lest I be poor, and steal, And take the name of my God in vain.”

In a devotional I was using it brought out some good thoughts regarding this prayer. The 1st thought is Agur is asking the Lord to keep him from the chaos of this world. To shield him from the lies, those things that have no value, to not become haughty or prideful. The 2nd I actually quoted to someone awhile back, of course it was paraphrased, something along these lines. I don’t want so much that I turn from you Lord and forget you but give me enough to meet my needs, my obligations, so I’m not constantly concerned over finances.

When I was preparing to come to Ukraine the Lord taught me a valuable lesson. I had a flat tire that could not be fixed. I knew I needed new tires, but was trying to wait at least another month, now I am not in the position to wait. The tires have to be ordered and will arrive in 2 days. However, I have to pay 1/2 now and the rest when they arrive. While the man behind the counter is having a conversation with me, I am having a conversation with the Lord. Lord, I do not want to use my credit card, and I don’t know what to do. He reminds me what I have in my checking account. Is it enough? Yes, but Lord I have bills due next week that I have no way to cover. Use the checking account. I give the man my debit card and pay what is needed. While this exchange was going on with the Lord, He reminded me of Matthew 6:11 “Give us this day our daily bread.” That day, I had enough to take care of the need.

The day I paid 1/2 for the tires that were ordered it was on a Wednesday. I had seen my sister the weekend before and she forgot to relay a message. I would receive this message on Friday, after I paid the remaining 1/2 for the tires that were ordered. As we are chatting on the phone, she says: I forgot to give you a message, it is anonymous, and they have a gift…. the gift was almost the exact price of the tires. When I paid for the tires, I was being obedient, trusting in faith, that my Abba would do what He says He will do. He already had the need met; I just didn’t know it. Now it is easier to have hope because there was a need that required faith and patience which brings about experience which leads to hope.

Agur seemed to understand what to ask for, in order to stay right there, in the sweet spot with the Lord. Teach me, remind me to walk with you, to love you, to hate sin, to stay focused on you AND meet my need today.

Matthew 6:33 “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”

Look Up, Keep Serving Jesus, He is Worthy!

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