As the move gets closer and closer, I have started to ponder what my life will look like once in Ukraine. In a matter of days, I will finish my last shift caring for a lady that I have known for over 3 years. I will walk away from a job where I have a starting time, a finishing time, a list of duties that I am accustomed to. I will leave my family, my mom, sister, brother, sister-in-law, son, daughter, bonus sons and daughters, granddaughter, nieces, nephews, cousins and some though they are not blood related are just as close as family. Dear friends, new friends, co-workers, my church families…..I have been so blessed to be a part of 2 very strong churches while living in NW Arkansas. Both are warm, loving, mission minded….people that I can count on, pastors who have been spiritual leaders to help me be what God has planned for my life.
I can’t spend a lot of time dwelling on what I am leaving behind, the tears start to flow and the heart hurts. Yes, I will miss so many people. But I know beyond any doubt where the Lord is leading me, allowing me to go and He has a plan and purpose for my life. I know whatever lies ahead, I am in His perfect will. The people that I have come to know and love in Ukraine, they are there with oh so many more to meet, to love, to share our Hope – Jesus.
For those who personally know me, laughter is a way that I often deal with hard or unknown situations. I have already had snafus in the past and am sure there will be more to come. I hope and pray the people of Ukraine will show much grace and patience. Recently I had someone call me from Ukraine, they speak more English than I speak Russian. They asked when I was coming back to Ukraine, I said January twenty fourth. Now I know the numbers at time in our format can be an issue, so I say January, two four. I could tell they understood the two, four, but not January. So, as I say it slower and louder, I think, do they not have a January? Why aren’t they getting what I am saying…. then a light bulb moment…. I wonder if January is pronounced different in Russian….duh 🤦♀️🤦♀️
As I think about my future so many unknowns I think back to when I became a mom. I was so fortunate as a teenager to baby sit, work in a day care, around babies and toddlers so often. When I had my son, it was an emergency C-Section, I was put under, so it was hours later before I was really coherent. The nurse came in my room and ask if I had seen my son, I said no. She went and got him. He was all swaddled up, and she placed him in my arms, and I remember looking at him and thinking so, this is what it’s like to be a mom. Now I had no clue what lie in ahead, I thought I did, but I really didn’t. Before we left the hospital, the nurse told me if I fed him too much, he would have a tummy ache and I needed to be aware of how much he was eating. Our first night home, his first feeding, then he cried and cried. I waited until the proper amount of time to pass and fed him again, and he cried and cried. He’s crying, I’m crying, I’m calling the nurse to see what am I doing wrong? When it was all said and done, I wasn’t feeding him enough, he was crying because he was hungry! Talk about feeling like a horrible mom. However, we figured it out and would go on to the next hurdle and the next and now he is a grown man with children of his own.
There is no way I can know what to expect. What challenges lie ahead, what hurdles I will have to overcome. For all the I don’t know situations and there are many at this point, it is all okay. Why is it okay? Because I know the One who created the universe. I know the One who parted the red sea so the children of Israel could walk over on dry land. I know the One that says I am fearfully and wonderfully made, and He knew me before I was formed in my mother’s womb. I know the One who had carried me through the greatest loss I have ever known, when my husband completed his race. I know the One who has called me…..the least of the least, a widow woman who has normally worked 2 jobs at a time throughout my life, and yet He is allowing me to go, to a country where people are hurting, they are afraid, and they are searching for Hope!
Until next time…..Look Up, Keep Serving Jesus, He is Worthy!
Love you my friend.
Love you too!