2024 – 2025 Did I Change?

When I left for Ukraine in January 2024, I knew that whenever I would return to the states there would be changes. There would be marriages, children, divorce and death. There would be physical, social, economic changes. The world I had left would not look the same. When going to Ukraine I anticipated it would be 2 to 3 years before I would return to the states, however the Lord opened the door and provided the way to come back much earlier than I anticipated for my first visit.

One of the first things I would notice when returning to the states is how much easier life is. I have yet to see an outhouse or squatty potty in the states. Electricity and heat are constant. The price of a sandwich at a Bucees brought out an unexpected loud response as I was shocked at the amount. Christmas time is meant to be a celebration of the birth of Jesus, and yes, I did see that in many places. I also saw how materialistic many seem to be. I know I have been that way before, enamored by what the world is offering and yet not fully satisfied for the things I obtained.

I have been given a rare privilege to live a totally different life. To see the world from a totally different perspective. God has allowed me to see things that have changed who I am at the very core of my being. I have heard preachers say, go on a mission’s trip, you won’t return the same…. I believe this statement is so very true. Being raised in America, I thought the world was like us, but that is so far from the truth. America has been blessed because of the foundation that was laid with our forefathers, the foundation of God’s Word and knowing Him, through Jesus Christ. For years, Ukrainian’s and others have been told there is no God, and they were not allowed to have a Bible. I dare say there is a Bible in almost every home in America, if not multiple copies of God’s Word.

Often times in America Christians will go and knock on a door, introduce themselves and in some form or another talk about church, Jesus, salvation, prayer. Why is that? How does that seem to be a normal way to introduce Christ? I believe because of our foundation that was laid and built upon now for centuries. That approach, in my opinion is not viable in Ukraine. We are starting in the book of Genesis, we are starting with creation, because they do not have the knowledge that most American’s have. It is like we are digging up the dirt for the foundation to be laid.

I went to a place that was foreign to me, in every way shape or form. The emotions have run the gamete: excitement, loneliness, joy, sadness, frustration, a sense of accomplishment. Nothing was familiar to me, few could speak my language and even if they spoke English, that doesn’t mean we always understood one another. There was a time where I thought, I’m not going to make it here, it is just too much to go through, to overcome. I’m so glad, I didn’t quit, I could have……but God had other plans, and He brought those into my life to speak truth to me, to encourage me, to help me, to carry me at times.

I am still in awe of what God has done with my life. I have not always been the most obedient daughter; I have wandered, and He has lovingly corrected me. I have went after things instead of Him, I have said no, when I should have said yes. Yet, He is faithful as the Shepherd with HIs sheep, He goes after the one. After this past year, I can’t begin to imagine what God has in store. He has surpassed any ideals of what I thought my life would look like at this stage of my life.

What has the Lord been teaching me? What have I learned? Well, just about the time I think I have a lesson completed, there is another test, and I fail it miserably. So what that shows me, there will NEVER be a day that I don’t need the Lord. Every day is a spiritual battle that is often waged with the person that I see in the mirror and those around me. My best days are the days I start out with the Lord. That He is all I need, He supplies all my needs, He never leaves me. Something else I see……..the Lord uses those who have walked through a trial, a long valley, a broken heart, those who are humble. He takes our brokenness and is able to redeem and make something beautiful.

Romans 5: 3-5 “And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; And patience, experience; and experience, hope: And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.”

These verses have become so real in my life. Now when Paul said he gloried in tribulations, that was not a phrase I was willingly to say as my concept of what I thought it to be. Someone presented a different view. While in tribulations, as we cry out to God, often with tears, we are bringing glory to Him, now that I can do. I know I have more patience than I did a year ago (still need more). The experiences I look back on, how the Lord has been there time and time again, they do bring hope, because I know He is there and will always be there.

2025……Whatever the Lord brings about, I pray I will walk through it in such a way that it brings honor to Him.

John 3:30″He must increase, but I must decrease.”

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