2024 – 2025 Did I Change?
When I left for Ukraine in January 2024, I knew that whenever I would return to the states there would be changes. There would be marriages, children, divorce and death. There would be physical, social, economic changes. The world I had left would not look the same. When going to Ukraine I anticipated it would…
I Can’t See Past The Pain
January 2022 is leading to the 2nd anniversary of my husband, Dan’s homegoing. Weathering the 1st year was completed, but I knew from prior losses, the 2nd year can be equally as hard but in different ways. Trying to prepare for that 2nd year, I felt as if I was failing, I was floundering, wandering…
What Happens When Your Fear Becomes Reality?
Fear. We all have fears. Some with many, some with a few but we all fear something. Being afraid, is really quite normal. Recently I was in a group setting and was asked: Are you a phycologist? My response was laughter and: No, I am not……but I have one 😊😉🤣. I was speaking to the…
A Fine Line
When I think of a “fine line” I think of a road, where there is a line that divides two cars with the goal of keeping them from colliding. I think of a ribbon that is held across a track where runners are focused on the goal of crossing that line first and sometimes in…
I Am a Failure
While in morning devotions, that thought flooded my mind. I am a failure. How can that be? I have left all I know, I have moved to a foreign land to serve the Lord, I am striving to follow Him every day and yet, “I am a failure” is what invaded my thoughts. Recently I…
Do You Know The God You Worship?
I’m a church member. I have been baptized. I have taught a Sunday School class. I give money to the church. I go to church every Sunday. I sing in the choir and the list can go on and on and on. The question that was posed is: Do you know the God you worship?…
Morals, Morality….Where Do They Come From?
That’s not fair. That’s not right. That is wrong. Have you ever heard someone say those statements? If you have kids or grandkids, you’ve heard the first statement for sure. This thought process started with my morning devotions reading in Ephesians 1:7 “In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins according…
Physical Reactions to Internal Turmoil
Recently I went through several days of being unsettled in my spirit with things that were pressing and weighing heavy on my heart and mind. I know I cannot be the only person who has ever felt this way. Circumstances and thoughts that seem to grab and hold our attention such as: children, marriage, job,…
Who Are You?
This is a question the disciples asked about Jesus. In Matther 8 Jesus had been on a mountain, and when he comes down there is a great multitude. A leper comes to Him asking for healing and Jesus heals him. As they go into Capernaum there came a centurion, an officer in the Roman army,…
Defining Moments
Many of us have a before and after, moments in time that separates how we live our lives. As a child, we start school, some anticipate, becoming a teenager with the privilege to drive. Others just want to finish high school and get out in the real world, maybe off to college, Vo-tech or to…
Stephanie, You Are In The Ditch……
During morning devotions, as I have said before I will start with a daily calendar and a daily devotional book. Recently a friend and I have been using an app, where a subject is chosen then daily, we read thru the devotional part, the scriptures and then we share with each other how the Lord…